Advantages Of AAC Blocks

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Advantages Of AAC Blocks


Advantages Of AAC Blocks

Faster construction and more plasticity

AAC blocks are about 50 lighter and 10 times larger than traditional bricks. This unique property facilitates easy installation and gives the flexibility for cutting and shaping relatively easily. AAC blocks have consistent dimensions, thereby, increasing ease of laying and making the construction process fast.



Generally, structures are designed to handle perpendicular forces, similar to gravity and self-weight. Still, there are also forces, similar to those caused by earthquakes. The AAC blocks gain a high position of strength during the manufacturing process, giving continuity to the finished structure. Therefore, structures made with AAC bricks are able to handle advanced seismic loads, compared to structures with conventional bricks.

See also: aac block manufacturing plant


Energy Efficient and Thermal Insulation

The material contains small air pockets and to form the concrete hydrogen is used, therefore, giving it an excellent heat sequestration property that makes the temperature in summer cool and warm in winter. Thus, it can significantly lower your air-exertion costs by about 25. AAC blocks are energy-effective across their lifecycle because the manufacturing process involves lower energy consumption.



The AAC block material is non-combustible and provides fire resistance of over six hours, depending on the block consistency, and up to a thousand degrees Celsius, compared to other blocks...


Sustainable and affordable

AAC blocks are made from natural and non-toxic material and their manufacturing process generates minimal waste. Some of the waste or offcuts generated can be reused. As it's made from non-biodegradable substances, it makes the structure durable and stable, precluding spoilage or earth. Likewise, being feather-light, energy-effective, and easy to install, AAC blocks also minimize laborer costs.


High compressive strength

The compressive strength of an AAC block is 3 to 5 n/mm2. Therefore, it's much stronger and better than bricks of the same size.



AAC blocks are prepared from inorganic substances, which help in guarding the structure against pests similar to termites, rodents, etc.



The porous and lightweight structure of AAC blocks enables high sound reduction. For this reason, it is used in making hotels, hospitals, studios, etc.


Moisture resistant

Moisture content damages many structures. The low absorption of water is due to the Macro-Pores in AAC blocks. Therefore, they give better humidity protection.

See also: aac block manufacturer
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