Moonbitcoin -

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Moonbitcoin -

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The bitcoin cash faucet where YOU decide when to claim!

What is Moon Cash?
Moon Cash is a bitcoin cash faucet with a difference...YOU decide how often to claim!

You may prefer to claim a smaller amount every 5 minutes, or visit once per day and claim the large amount that has built up while you were away!
(* minimum 5 minutes between claims per account/IP address)

You can increase your claim amounts by up to 300% by taking advantage of the  Daily Loyalty Bonus Daily Loyalty Bonus,  Referral Bonus Referral Bonus and Mystery Bonus Mystery Bonus schemes!

25% lifetime commission + up to 100% claim bonus!

MoonCash uses CoinPot for instant payment of your earnings.

Sister site of moonbit,moonlite,moondoge,moondash!
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Re: Moonbitcoin -

Moon Cash faucet has moved to a new domain
The Moon Cash faucet has moved from its old domain ( to a new location...

Your account, referrals, loyalty bonuses and CoinPot earnings will all remain intact and are not affected by this move.