Zigma - zigma.cash

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Zigma - zigma.cash


Earn $0.0025 per click
Earn $0.0005 per referral click
Minimum cashout is $1
Payment via Perfect Money, Payeer, Litecoin, CoinPayments, STP
International Members accepted!
PTSU earnings upto $25.00 per Approved.
Get the chances to Win upto $5.00 in Twickgrid
Get the chances to Win Free Upgrade From your activity
Unlimited Direct Referral.
Very Low Minimum Payout for all members

Sister site of Twickerz!!

zigma uses legal EvolutionScript license

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Re: Zigma - zigma.cash

ZigmaCash Referral Contest
The top 10 members who the most direct referrals during the contest will win prizes!

The 1st placed member will win $0.10 per each active direct referral. For example, if winner bring 1000 referrals, he will earn $100!

Second place will win $0.09 per active referral, thirth will win $0.08 per active referral, up to 10 the 10th spot member who will win $0.01 per active referral

Referral contest will count only active referrals. Active referral is the one who click at least 4 ads!

SPECIAL PRIZE: Bring 500 or more referrals and your prize will be doubled regardless of your position in contest!

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Re: Zigma - zigma.cash

Admin improved ZigmaGrid.
You can click there 250 per day there (upgraded members can click 500 times).

For each click you will earn $0.00015 instead of $0.00010

For each click you will earn also 0.25 grid credits. With those credits you can promote your programs or websites in grid for free.

For every 25th click, you will earn small additional prize like PTC credits, banner credits or grid credits.