What is the shortest way to configure AOL mail?

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What is the shortest way to configure AOL mail?

We know the most reliable way, fortunately, that is the shortest as well. AOL email settings require the users to configure SMTP/IMAP (sometimes POP, which we do not recommend). Here the details that you need to enter to setup SMTP.
•         AOL SMTP server name – smtp.aol.com.
•         SMTP port – 465.
•         Encryption method – TLS/SSL.
•         Username – your full AOL email address ending with @aol.com.
•         Password – Your correct AOL Mail Password.
Now follow these settings to configure IMAP.
•         Server name – imap.aol.com
•         Port number – 993.
•         Encryption technique – SSL.
The rest of the details are common with SMTP settings.
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Re: What is the shortest way to configure AOL mail?

To configure AOL mail, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device.

Step 2: Go to the AOL mail website.

Step 3: On the AOL mail website, click on the "Get Started" button if you are a new user and need to create an AOL mail account. If you already have an AOL mail account, you can click on the "Login / Join" button to sign in with your AOL email address and password.

Step 4: Enter your AOL email address and password in the appropriate fields and click on the "Sign In" button to log in to your AOL mail account.

Step 5: Once you are logged in to your AOL mail account, you can access your inbox, sent messages, and other email folders.

Step 6: If you want to configure your AOL mail account with an email client such as Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail, or Thunderbird, you will need to obtain the appropriate settings for your email client. Here are the general settings for AOL mail:

Incoming Mail Server (IMAP): imap.aol.com
Incoming Mail Server (POP3): pop.aol.com
Incoming Mail Server Port (IMAP): 993 (SSL/TLS)
Incoming Mail Server Port (POP3): 995 (SSL/TLS)
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp.aol.com
Outgoing Mail Server Port: 587 (STARTTLS)
Step 7: In your email client's settings, input the above AOL mail server settings, along with your AOL email address and password, to configure your AOL mail account in your email client. You may also need to specify whether you want to use IMAP or POP3 protocol for incoming mail, and provide the appropriate port number and encryption settings for incoming and outgoing mail.

Step 8: Save the settings and test your AOL mail account by sending and receiving emails through your email client.